
Monday, February 4, 2013


Thames Valley University
Faculty of Professional Studies
The London School of cordial reception & touristry
Governance and Tourism
Module Study Guide


Table of Contents
function A - Overview and Content get Module Leader and Team detailsadministrative and adept supportTimetable pupil Support and Guidance Basic mental faculty information initialise of the moduleContent of the module Learning experience / outcomesLearning resourcesGuide to learning sessions| Page 33333333447|
Section B sound judgement and Feedback Assessment general information Assessment 1Assessment 2Assessment FeedbackPlagiarism Evaluation of the module Feedback on the military rating Outcomes of previous evaluation Frequently asked questions| Page 262626262626262727|

Section A Overview and Content

1. Welcome to the module
Welcome to this module study guide for the module Governance and Tourism. enrapture read this guide carefully. It contains information about the module and begins with round factual detail about the module. Note the title of the module and the module code is given on the front polish off of this guide. You will need this when filling in the assessment proceed sheetThis module has been designed as a 200 arcminute learning experience.

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Forty two of these hours will be spent with your tutor in the classroom engaged in discussion debate and various guided learning activities. The rest time is set for independent study. |

2. Details of Module attractor and team members
Name| Sue Johnson|
Field & School| Tourism & Aviation The London School of Hospitality & Tourism|
electronic mail | Sue.johnson@tvu.ac.uk|
Phone| 02082312644|
Location| TVU St bloody shames Road Ealing H328|

3. Administrative and Technical support
Faculty of Professional Studies Administration Office -TC50 St Marys Road Ealing|

4. Timetable
Timetables will be displayed under the assembly line information page for the module on Blackboard.www.tvu.ac.uk/blackboard |

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