
Monday, February 4, 2013

Dr. Zhivago Film Critique

Milos Kazic 9-8
Dr.Zhivago Film Critique

Winning tail fin Oscars is something not achieved with a fluff of a wrist. It takes tedious planning and obsessive mending and adjusting. still that doesn’t mean that mistakes don’t pass by dint of the fine sifting of perfectionism. And to point out the shifty misrepresented inaccuracies is I, the critic! Welcome to the world of criticism and meticulousness David fish!

When watching this movie for the first time, I thought it was a sublime film. It had the ethics that a good film should have, it was an middling film, and had nothing to hide. Or did it? Well that’s what brings me to my first point. there were characters in this film that seemed to have had their own non-fictional, political counterparts. The just about obvious example of this would be the notorious and ruthless, self-proclaimed Bolshevik, Strelnikov. He had every the qualities that a cold-hearted, forceful dictator should have! Like a man of steel if you catch my drift. Yes, Strelnikov came off at least(prenominal) to me, (I hope someone else noticed the similarities.) as a cytosine copy of none other than Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, or the easier way to mobilize him, Joseph Stalin. What was perfect about this comparison is that Strelnikov was abducted by the Bolsheviks and put to trial.

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They didn’t see him as a Bolshevik! So that relates unaccompanied to Stalin. He was a dictator trying to do something for the correct cause but ended up killing unmerci practicedy and for the most part, lost sight of his goal. And no longer was a true, freedom to the people, Bolshevik.

An exceptional part of the film is that it seems to have make full the role for ‘Bloody Sunday’ quite nicely. But I, macrocosm a critic, have to say something about making it better. For me, it didn’t quite create the drama, the emotion and the tragedy. This was a part in history where over one thousand people died and five thousand were injured. And large portions were women and...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Ordercustompaper.com

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